Sunday, August 31, 2014

IWUTE Test (I woke up too early test) - The Darkness II

The screenshots look promising. "The Darkness II". Never heard of it. Can not remember where I bought it. Probably in the 2k Humble Bundle.

Some horror FPS. Well. I should not blow brainz out before breakfast and coffee, but ah what the hell.


(btw, dont miss the "what happend in darkness 1" monolog ingame by this guy in the picture, its hillarious)

Since I want to clean my steam library, I will test Risen from Deep Silver

So, I call it "Test-A-Quick". Since nearly everyone in the Steam comment section played it approx. 40 hours, I think I can say it is a typical gamer-brand consum article. Lolz.

Since I saw today the new Saints Row Trailer, I think having a look at this game from 2009 is quite interesting.

My neck is still paralysing me more or less - Time for a sequel then : Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

I tested the prequel two days before, now I am interested how the game move forward in the two years time that has passed since Hitman : Codename 47. Published in 2002, it should have some noticeable differences in graphics and user interface. Well, and it was the most successful game in the series.


Well. The music is awesome. Well. Fitting. The graphics are much better, still of course 2002, but the fact that I can not set it to 16:9, well, all the people look fat.

The voice overs are awesome. The user interface much bigger and more intuitive. The tutorial is not mandatory. So far so good. And the story is interesting. I think I will play this from time to time.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Still cant move - E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

Yes. And since my last test was so bad, I think I will get the taste from it out of my mouth with "E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy" - hopefully.

It's still 9.99 Euro on Steam. I do not remember where I got it from, but I certainly did not pay this much for it. I know nothing about it.

When I pressed play it open in a low resolution after installing DirectX 9. 

Besides of everything, what exactly was Valve thinking when they did their FUCKING script system ?


O.K. This game is worth a deeper look. It feels like a japanese robot firm, William Gibson and some bored to death scifi 3D artists fell together into a mixer and somebody took the resulting slurry and pressed it through a sharp biscuit form.


This game still interests me. I am not so sure I am up to its story, though. It is a lot of reading, strange
vocabulary. God, am I conditioned to voice overs these days. I mean, come on, I played Ultima 7 Part II and thats PRACTICALLY A BOOK. So why is this here going on my nerves. I am not sure yet.

This game is from 2011. And it looks amazing for that. They used the Source Engine. Have to look that up.

One of these days where my neck thinks its dead - Agricultural Simulator: Historical Farming


Yes. You heard right :

Agricultural Simulator: Historical Farming

Well it was in a humble bundle. Where else. I mean I am not sure I would spend more than 0.25 cents on a ... Agricultural Simulator: Historical Farming ...

But then again. Maybe I learn something here ? What do I know about Farming ? I know BULLS*IT about Farming. Even more about HISTORICAL farming.

This could be a life changer ? Maybe I become a farmer ?

New Blog and another short look into a "classic" ?! - Hitman:Codename 47


First, I am currently working to move this blog to a new self written blog system which will revoluti...make it much more easy to get information presented here in a really innovatio....not so dumb way. It is a lot of work, so it will prolly take a while longer.

Secondly, I acquired Hitman:Codename 47, the first in this series, and since it is from 2000, 300mb big and was one of the first games to have ragdoll simulation (Wikipedia) I am kinda looking forward to this graphical ... whatever.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

WTFIISE - WTF IT IS SO EARLY (lol) Review of a Steam Library cadaver "Ys Origin"


After a short and nightmarish night I decided to use this two hours of "I am glad to be alive" time to just have a peek into another of my Steam Library decomposing software.

Its "Ys Origin". Honestly, I forgot about this one, I think it was a steam sale one-dayer, and for some reason I thought, yes, let me buy that for next to nothing. OK.

Uhh. It is from Falcom. Yes. These old-school pioneers of RPG in Japan. Wow. Nice. I wish they had an english homepage, too, though. Damn, this japanese website design is so funny (HOT INFO !), everytime. But enough of that.

Obscure Midnight Test - OMT - Today : Secrets of Rætikon

So. I bought it...sometimes...I do not remember.

The colorful name is "Secrets of Rætikon". Well. When an a and e melt, it is definitely a secret worth looking after ! But fun aside. It opens a DOS console to open the game, even for a steam game this is weird.

 It is an indie game, made by Broken Rules. Nice name. I am not sure I want my software developer to be called this way, but nevertheless, nice name !

That game is actually very nice. It is in artistic 2D. You control a phoenix like bird in an abstract 2D world. It is all well, nice physic and stuff. BUT you have to collect shiny triangles, and there are winds, and I just can not get to the last one in the sky I need to fill something like a triangle container. I tried like 20 minutes now. Nope. I give up. That is bad game design. You can not make the first level like not manageable in my opinion. I tried really everything imo.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Interlude : Dead Space 2 - They do BF Hardline these days, WTF

Visceral (thats the right spelling ?!) !!!

When I heard they do Battlefield Hardline, I thought well they must be hell of a company when Dice is giving them their job more or less. So I got Dead Space. I was torn apart by the game. On the one hand it was like a Alien movie gone wrong in all the right ways but at the same time it was like "No, do not do it like that please".

Due to the limitations of the computer hardware at the time DS1 came out, it was small, somewhat linear-creepy and full of stupid localized riddles. And the feeling you play it on a console somehow never left you alone.

But I played it half through I think. I even watched the comic move half that they brought out when the game was a big success. So when there was a sale I bought Dead Space 2. And that is what I will get myself into now.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Pseudo Old School Sell Out on Humble Bundelö [ AKA MODERN lame wtf ]

Our beloved software industry destroying Humble Bundle has spit out a bundle of six "nostalgic" oldschool designed indie titles. Perfect. I am so frustrated by Wargame European Escalation and I can not concentrate on BF4 or the never ending infinite BioShock (I really know now why it is called BioShock Infinite). So. Let me have a look.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Wargame : European Escalation - Second Run


So, now I am a bit more into this beauty. It gets really hectic, but never to the point where you think "OMG, I am too slow". You have to plan ahead, or youre lost, and you will loose a lot of units, escpecially when you play a level for the first time, and something like FXR-2412Y fires from a bush and you only know "WTF FIRES THERE".

In the third mission it actually starts to pressure you with a time limit, what I generally do not like without a critical reason, and theres none in the briefing, but you get 4 extra starts you can use for new units.

The love of detail in this game is really cool.


I updated my NVIDIA drivers. And suddenly Metro 2033 runs. Fine.

This new NVIDIA experience tool tells me to play nearly everything in Ultra. Well, ok ! XD

So how do I tell old Steam Install Scripts NOT to install their ancient PhysX Drivers ?

I mean Green Man Gaming is smart, they supply a tool that installs the newest PhysX Drivers.
(It didn't work for me, but hey, the thought counts, doesn't it ?)

So I can do a test of Metro 2033 soon. That is a bit stupid, since the redux version comes out soon, but what the hell XD.

Back to Wargame.

Terrible Headage. Perfect time to test Wargame : European Escalation

From the intro movie
It has an 81/100 on metacritics. Fuck yeah. All above 80 is good. Then again, the wierdest shit has happened on metacritics.

Developer is Eugen Systems. And I must admit, this is the most unspectacular game company software homepage with a metacritic entry I have seen so far.

I am not even sure where and when I bought it. But ok. It works out of the box. That is good.
But it wants an account. Yikes.  Ok. Done. I even hand copied the fucking CD Key. Goddammit Steam, why don't you have the "Copy to clipboard" option for the CD Key INGAME as well ??? Retarded fuckers.

There is a solo campaign. Why the f*** did I have to do another of these stupid accounts for some retared game company ? I mean it uses my steam logo, so why can't it use my steam account ? This is so lame.

The game itself presents as a low graphic interface with a UI that looks old and modern at the same time, that is actually very well done for a game which is set in the mid seventies of the last century !!!

The icons look very good. I am not sure what to do now but it starts with a tutorial.


And I am positively surprised. The game mechanics are classical RTS, but its neat, the details are neat, the graphics are neat for a game is that explains the really neat graphics. The sounds OMG the sounds are really nice.

Another good thing is, at least for me, I AT ONCE started to wiki the used tanks and units and weapons. Hehe.

Ahh ! The interface is easy, but surprisingly this helps the relaxing moment. You know this moment where you have to clear your mind to do the right thing before shit hits the fang (thats the correct term ?).

What I like are things like you can drive your refuel trucks close to a FOP of an enemy after you captured it and reload them !!! Thats is AWESOME !

Friday, August 22, 2014

BioShock Infinite - Third Run


Fink...Hmmm...Burton Fink XD ?! No. Just MFG ? Fink
So. How is that freaking eye candy doing you might (certainly not) ask ??

* The Story : Story ? Some smörk smörks another Fink smörk and this smörk starts fighting with some black chick who goes crazy and starts killing children and we switch between realities ? and there are these two bigots who are there and act like insane childs and then we see Elizabeth loosing her virginity when she kills that black bitch (but we are not allowed to **** her, damn) and then some big bird attacks us and we go to some strange guy who's name doesn't ring a bell anymore.

Thank you, Irrational Games. You completely lost me. Then again, hey this is BioShock. XD

* The graphics and the gameplay

This sinister candy trip is the main reason I still play it, but the balancing is so fucked up.
You kill in hardmode 40 really fast and stupid smocks, just to be raped OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again by THIS ******* TIN MAN.

And every time you die and loose money, this sucker gets life force back. Really. The scenario is not supporting any tactics that make sense, and by the way the stereo resolution of this game is just terrible. I can not locate the enemy fast enough via sound. Just a joke.

But, I want to know how it ends and if Elizabeth goes to Paris. And I like the visuals. Point.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mark of the Ninja - Or how I survive BioShock Infinite

Well. If you play BioShock on Hard. You have to have nerves.

And while I am in the (hopefully) last overdimensional fights in BS I I thought, well lets have a break with another game. Lol.

Microsoft ?? They and an Indie ?? Studio did that game, Mark of the Ninja. It was in a sale on steam, so I though, yeah, looks funny let's give it a try.


O.K. This game ROCKS. I do not like the cartoon style of the movie sequences. BUT the gameplay is amazing. More later. But I am really positively surprised. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bioshock Infinite - It is like eating candy that has razor blades in it that are not hurting just scratching.


I bought BioShock Infinite in a Humble Bundle not so long ago.

Since then it was laying there like a luxury article bought for a party that was canceled.

So let us, or well me, a look at that. I hesitated because BioShock 2 still invokes memories so full of intensity and clarity that I am nearly sure that Infinite will disappoint me.

On the other hand, now that I now that all three parts are done with the Unreal Engine, nothing can disappoint me.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dead ?

Not yet.

Right now I have much around my ears, I am doing a game with Unity (thats so freaking luxury compared to e.g. Blender game engine).

And BF4, yes, BF4, has it fingers around my neck. Since Arma3 is just...I dont know...utterly *BAD* (I have to write someday WHY my once most treasured game franchise turned into a castratrophic nightmare in my opinion). BF4 is action, it just looks reaaaaaly nice, the sound is awesome and there are enough worthy opponents.

I'm still collecting bargains, and soon will do some more reports. Until then:

Keep fighting y'all !

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

THQ in 2009 - Red Faction Guerilla

After the usual Steam FUCK "It's older than six month so it is probably not working without reading annoying steam forums and doing some cryptic shit" I got it working.

And I must say, it seems to be some kind of decent classical "the industry fucks up everything and all we want is honest work" drama.

But what is really nice is the destruction level. I only know this kind of destruction level from good ol' Frostbite, so stay tuned while I wreak some more shit for scrape metal.