Friday, February 12, 2016

Whats up, Doc ?

Whats happening ?


Amazing artwork, amazing voiceplay, great scenario and atmosphere.

Wanna be a fire watcher in the 80ies ? Here's your chance !

This alone is worth 1/4 of the money they want for it. The problem about this game is, when
I say just one sentence about the game itself, I spoil it. So.

If you buy it, you support games of this kind and the company behind it, so do that if you like the style.

2. Men of War - Assault Squad 2

I'm still into this amazing RTS, even when
the company just has no clue how to make
their community happy.

The latest DLC adds some features that actually should be part of the game itself from the start,
but hey, if they need money, its kinda wort it if you're a fan.

3. Darkest Dungeon

I finally got to it, after it is out of Early Access, and it is a very good game.

Well, actually, the ideas are awesome, but the longtime motivation is not working for me.

For me this game is more a study and a cultural merge of Game Of Throne dramatics into
a dark world for round turned fighting areas with innovative micro management of your heroes.

A game / proof of concept well done if you are into analysing game concepts, for sure.