Thursday, June 19, 2014

TWOT - From Wizardy Six to Legend of Grimrock


Its time for another TWOT entry ! ( TWOT = Total Waste of Time => If you think that playing oldschool games is a waste of time when there actually are modern games you can play that is )

When I was young (Song Title off) I enjoyed titles like Wizardry 6. Even if I understood only half of it. ( I mean I should but for some reasons I finished the titles without any Internet walk through or stuff so hmm. How I did that ? No CLUE)

So recently I bought it in a GOG sale, more for the "Hey I have it again and this time not on floppy disk" factor. But I installed it and got caught in the absolute postmodern mix style of it.

It was like all stuff mixed together, I mean Hobbits, Star Wars Like Monsters, and so on. And the good old "Write Once, Double Reality" idea in a abandoned castle. Me likes !!!!

I even got a decent tool to map the dungeons. I read the manual ! I was ready. Then I made my fist party with a lot of care and got killed by 1 vampire bat and 6 bats. Then I realized : This is hard work. And the graphics were so EGA that even I felt my eyes bleed out. (I grew up with Hercules/CGA so I am USED TO A LOT).

But...the "walk a step turn left walk again one step" caught me.

Seeking for a comprise, I remembered Legend of Grimore and since it had already a layer of dust on it, it was time to open my GOG chest and install it.

And I must say it was worth it. LoG is actually a REALLY nice old school game principle remake.

Play it when its dark outside, beer, chips and you WILL feel it.

Nice job, Almost Human Ltd.!.

Almost a real game ! (joke)

Since I want to go back right now to play it , more of my XP with it will follow later.

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