Thursday, September 4, 2014

I wanted to go out. But since I am fucked up again I am gonna test this Rock,Paper & Shotgun Weekly Humble Bundle

The guys from R.P.S. are the reason I am...not let me rephrase that before I go to far...they inspired better....they ignited my interesst in the game sector after years of more or less abstinence.Their way of...short : They were my heroes for a short time, then they were my most loved crititcs, now they have strange advertisment that leads to even stranger pages. But hell, we all need money. And they still have the decency left I loved about them quite a while ago.

So much for that. To the games.

1. Dungeons of Dredmor
2. Audiosurf
3. Armageddon Empires
4. World of Goo
5. Amnesia - The dark descent

1. Dungeons of Dredmor

It's 200 MB. I got the DRM-free version.

When you extract the zip and start the exe, this launcher opens. Looks like Indiana Jones. Ok.


This is hillarious. The graphics are more or less...well...not very nice, but adequate...I guess.
But the humor. It is more or less parody of RPG games.
You play this pirate (whats a female pirate called ? piratess ? ) and you start in a dungeon. You have totally wired attributes. The music is like a hit in the head. As I said, I wish the graphics would be better, then this would be awesome.

 But I died with level 1 and there is no ehm lol no reborn shit - ITS HARDCORE MOTHERFUCKER. Ok. Let me do this again. I found Guybrush Threepwoods Helmet. I want to use it again.


And yes. It is humorous. It hurts the eyes. It is made with SDL. But I like the game , somehow. I will keep it on my hard drive and play it when I have the need for a brainless brain-needing game. Refreshing, with a taste of rotten meat.

2. Audiosurf

Going through the "engine" folder and finding mp3's called "Hamster Alliance" induces strange feelings about what this game might be. And then finding strange black and white textures in the textures folder makes me sure I will be surprised.


Yes. You take your mp3, you fire them up, and then you more less play Tetris in a sound-reacting roller coaster. That's pretty amazing. No really. It's amazing. The sound detection is well made, and the blocks you collect are synchronized with the music spectrum and beat. Well done, who ever wants to force me to make a bullshit account to upload my scores. I guess I will get the Steam version one day for that.

But this is really an awesome way to experience your music new !

3. Armageddon Empires

Yes. What this is. I do not want to know. I do not care. I can not change the resolution. It has no tutorial. It is *some* kind of a card game. And it looks trashy. No. Maybe someday. But rather. No.

4. World of Goo

Klezmer style orchestral start music, really nice, DX9, and some wired *goo* that follows your mouse.


I like this game the most so far. It is very nice designed, the music is VERY good as well as the sound design. It is somekind of neo-post-modern abstract lemmings, I would call the genre "Net-And-Distances". Or something better. With the help of a good 2D physics engine you build networks where the goo can travel onto its destination. There is also a goo cooperation. I am not sure what this is, yet. XD


Yes. It is fun. But .... I had this level where it is not your skills that decide if you manage to rescue as many goo balls as you need. It is pure luck.
At least I think that now. After trying it five times, I am either too stupid or this is kinda stupid.
I am not sure which, cause there is an option that you can "skip" a level, three times you can do that.
So. All in all. This game is well done. I will play it again. I wish there would be an Android version of it.


Awesome. Btw, as you might have guessed : I was too stupid. This was clearly the good old "I make one early level that is too hard at first, and if the guy comes back after his rage quit, I got him"-Developer trick. He got me now. Every level is different. And it is like Lemmings times 100. Very well done, 2D Boy, very well done, guys !!!! And the Signs of the Sign Painter are EPIC.

5. Amnesia - The dark descent

As you can or can not see, this game is dark. And I do not want to look from when it is right now.
But it's a story telling game in the horror genre. You actually have a "Mental Health" status bar. Very nice. And you wont believe it, their sublime horror atmosphere effects ACTUALLY work. Yeah. Subconscious art on it's finest. The graphics are a bit old school. But the physics engine is nice, you can use items like in Oblivion. Very nice.

The story ? You lost your memories. Now you find notes in an old castle (?) from yourself telling you to go on. I wont spoil anything. But this game is a nice variety.


I never would have thought that I enjoy collecting lantern oil and matches so much. Nuff said. I hereby declare my interest in Non Combat-Low Riddles-Exploration Games. Never thought I would. But now I do. But this game sets a high standard.

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