Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Are headache and bad mood good basics to get a first impression of a F2P FPS ? Warface.


Who wants to pay for fresh old clothes ?
Yes I have a terrible headache and I am in a really bad mood (cause of the headache and the bad software that Samsung makes for its tablets). And yes, probably not the best scenario to get a first impression of a fresh beta FPS.

While the whole world except Crytek thinks Crytek is broken, they release a free to p(l)ay FPS over Steam. Warface. The trailer looks nice. The story is that about our world gone totally openly neo-cyberpunk-fashism-money-dicatorship-capitalism BUT you of course are playing those who fight against the capitalist bastards. (That's why Crytek broke ??)

OK. I start the game up and suddenly I get this feeling : "Oh no, another of this ***** account logins will come up." *hard drive makes noise, its on my old 5400 rps not so important games HD* oh no, please not. BAMM. A poison green "GFACE" login interface. Why oh Why. Ah cause of the micro transaction. I forgot. Free to pay. Ah yes. (Prolly "Geeeh-Why you are making that face ?")

Since my mood can only get better through dark cynicism (and pain meds)  I will do that.

So I went to the page where I have to register. The font size is changed by Javascript, since
I have JS off by default (noscript) unreadable BIG LETTERS make my head spin.
I enable it, type in my details. Okai, first, I cant use my normal FPS name. No reason why, only
the name is not allowed. Ok. Normally I would delete and forget everything about this experience
right now, but well Crytek is broke so I will forgive them. After I choose another one who works,
they ask me if I get the verification email. Well. No. Not yet. And even now, 10 minutes later, nothing.Ok. Broke. Ok. Lets have a look if I can play.

Nope. My account is not working. Not that I would have excepted that, since twenty minutes later, the verification email has not arrived.And why I look in the Steam Forums for a possible solution, I get lost in meaning full forum entries like "Why Russian cant play-short answer".

So next try. Email still not here. Well lets retrieve my password then. OK. Email not registered.
OK. New try to register. Name already in use. LOL ? Dear Crytek you wont get back into the black
with that.

Instead of using the registration form that opens with the Warface link, I registered with another name in GFace directly. That worked. But that my previous name is gone, is strange.

So NOW. Lets play.

First you are encouraged with some stuff to do a basic training. Its the usual crap with the usual WASD and LEFT-CTRL stuff, four classes as always. The game looks ok to good, but well, its hard if you are use to the Frostbite Destruction to play a shooter that hasn't. In the moment where you fire an RPG into light walled house and nothing happens (well its armour piercing, but then again why is the explosion so big ??) you fell the static world factor too much.

Since it's a free-to-pay game, I always click at the Shop button to see how they do it. Well, haha, its not done over steam wallet, no they open the GFace shop in the trashy internal steam browser. I laugh my head off, but it hurts to much for that. NO ! It then goes back to the Steam shop.
Of course there is the Crown ****, the Coin **** and the $ ****. For a game where you fight against corrupt capitalists this is strangely weired. I can not yet say how the prices correlate to the game mechanisms and stuff, they prolly did that to avoid first contact shock.

OK. I played their first "coop" mission. Boring linear shoot em up level design, unimaginative yet neat textures. It looks like a hasty production and smells like I want money fast and hope to use my name to find enough bored people who play me three weeks and while doing that spend a lot of money to get more stuff fast.

There are few things worth mentioning so far :

a) Reviving a fallen soldier happens AT ONCE.

Well, good luck, Crytek, but with this kind of stuff, I am not sure your name will be used in the same sentence with innovation and quality (anymore).

I will have another luck one of these days, since it is a beta and I am always interessted how those companys use the F2P principle to get the money out of the rich parent kids.

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