Monday, September 29, 2014

Ladies Night. What ? No. Ladies Games ? No. Games with femal heroes ! Now I got it.

Humble Bundle has thrown out a bundle with only female heroes. Heroines ? Who cares. (how it is written)

It's called "Leading Ladies". In consideration to the whole cold-computer-games-women-war  I have to smile a bit by this title, but hey.

I like female computer game heroes. OK. I admit. In 99.9% of the case when I had the choice I took a male. Yes. Sad. Somehow. But to my defence, I always had one or two female characters in my RPG parties. Btw. Why didn't were tampons part of RPG games ? (cotton tampons +4)

Ok. Let me have a look at these games.

1. Lilly Looking Through
2. Valdis Story: Abyssal City
3. Ms. Splosion Man
4.The Yawhg
5. Long Live The Queen
6. The Cat Lady
7.Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten 

And of course as always at the end : the conclusion.

Press "Read more" for the Runs...

Monday, September 22, 2014

Awesome. Awesomenauts. Some Nauts ?

Awesomenauts ? Don't blame me ! Blame the way we get bombarded with sales here and there. This one lurked in my Steam library and I saw it featured on one of my fav. indie platformer websites. So. Well. Let me install another version of Windows C++ Runnable and let me peal the skin off this game.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pixel Piracy

Yes, since I had exactly 5,02 euro in my steam wallet and since I really am a big fan of Terraria, I thought yeah, let me buy Pixel Piracy. It's from the same team that did Terraria.

You play a pirate captain, and that's about all I know. And you micro manage your pirate crew. And fight other pirates. So well, so aha. I go blindly into it. It "looked" cool.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Humble Flash Bundle: Shmups!

Humble Flash Bundle: Shmups!

Five pixel orientated shoot em ups. I am not a big fan. Then again I played Xennon 2 like crazy.

So. Hurry if you want the same Humble Flash Bundle...well thats over...but you can read the tests here.

1. Really Big Sky
2.  Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender
3. Syder Arcade

To be done :

4.Danmaku Unlimited 2
5.Crimzon Clover: World Ignition 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

TNTT : Tonight's time travel : Medieval II : Total War

Well. Just a quick look at some of the past hits laying around on my magnetic disc holder.

I mean, yes, Total War : Rome, the original Nr.1,  can not be beaten. Never. They tried.

But I heard this one should be ok. And I like Medieval. So let me fire it up, Knights of the round table.

After three runs I come to my conclusion.

Monday, September 8, 2014

So cute .... what ? The "So cute" Humble Flash Bundle

Yes. I know. I am a Humble Bundle Slave Bitch. But then again.

The Bundle I got now has the the all-saying name "So Cute" and is a freaking collection of senseless cuteness. They claim. Let us have an open mind look at that cute promise, shall we, my dear ?

1. Girls like Robots
2. Where is my Heart
3. Woodle Tree Adventures
4. Two Tribes
5. Triple Town

To finish with the R.P.S. Bundle ...

So let me treat the not yet talked about games of the Rock, Shotgun, Paper Humble Bundle...with the final conclusion, of course.

6. AI War: Fleet Command
7. Teleglitch: Die More Edition

Interlude : Professional Farmer

Yes. There are still two titles left undiscussed on the R.P.S. bundle. I know. I do them later.

The last time I tested a Farmer Simulation, I puked all over my keyboard.

So since this is from another company and I need some funny mindf*ck right now, I will test this "Professional Farmer 2014". And it takes HD. Lol.


Shitty graphics. This is not a modern farm, that is a farm from 2001 who has yet to be bought by someone bigger. Perhaps there is some curve to a modern farm in it, I dont know.

But the moment you enter the tractor, country music starts. Ok. Fine. But I can not switch station. Not fine. Incredible painfull. And the tractor moves with a speed of 2km/h ? Did these people ever saw a tractor moving AT ALL ?

Thank you but no thank you. I can not stand this trashy FPS. (First Person "Simulators")

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I wanted to go out. But since I am fucked up again I am gonna test this Rock,Paper & Shotgun Weekly Humble Bundle

The guys from R.P.S. are the reason I am...not let me rephrase that before I go to far...they inspired better....they ignited my interesst in the game sector after years of more or less abstinence.Their way of...short : They were my heroes for a short time, then they were my most loved crititcs, now they have strange advertisment that leads to even stranger pages. But hell, we all need money. And they still have the decency left I loved about them quite a while ago.

So much for that. To the games.

1. Dungeons of Dredmor
2. Audiosurf
3. Armageddon Empires
4. World of Goo
5. Amnesia - The dark descent

Quick-And-Go : God'em'up....why not. Example : Reus

I can hardly resist these 1,99 Steam mini sales when the game looks at least promising.

So in this case. Reus. Later, I learned that this is a God'em'up. Why ? Cause you control four (so far) gods and manipulate a planet so that life and little villages can prosper.

I played it for an hour or so. It is quite fun, when you like combination effects of flower's and animals and minerals. The graphics are ok and left enough space for fantasy. The music is smoothing and changes often enough so it is actually a help while you move one of your gods from one end of the planet to the other.

There is no time acceleration possibility. That is at least at the mid start of the game a bit annoying.

What really troubled me is that when you open the ingame browser wiki page on steam, there was only an advertisement for e-cigarettes. Lol. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ever bought a game just because of ONE sound ? XD

I bought "Little Cells" in the Humble Store. Someone on twitter recommended it.

So I watched the video and it is a game about cells, it reminds me vaguely of the first levels of Spore, but it has this "plopping" sound when the cells divide. And exactly this sound made me buy it. XD

And I like biology. And cells. And dividing. Annnd it was only 3,5 euro. And it will be for Android, too.

So let me install it. It is only 30 MB.

Since I feel like s*it, I can test some s*it. What about Dracula:Origin ?

A dracula themed game ? Are you crazy, you might ask. Yes, I might be.

But beside I have so bad mood, it can not get any worse. Ok, that is not true either, but well.

The game is Dracula:Origin. It is from 2008. Its creator calles itself "Frogwares".

It has a metascore of 70. And uses 2800 MB. So far, so bloody.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I am gonna be rich - Games for rich, dominant and aggressive Women ?!

(Attention, this article is partial very ironic and yet very concerned)

We need computer games for one group that is the rising star in our post-material world :

Aggressive and dominant women !

Previously computer games were often the valve for young and adolescent and of course up to all ages and state of minds of integrated men, who did not engage in social status wars but needed to act out their inner rage and power need.

That was a HUGE market.

But it seems we have a market that is not yet fully taken : Violent computer games for aggressive and dominant women, where the boys (and girls ?) are sex objects !

I really like the stuff that Anita Sarkeesian and other are doing, and it seems we need computer games made for them as well as for the old market of computer gamers.

Well, that is changing as well, and as the money now lies with individualised people the interests are much more complex to satisfy than in the good old mass-market days, aren't they ?

A thing that is going on my nerves is that I am so tired of the stereotyped way criminal and dangerous situation are shown in computer games. I was in danger. It is NOT like in GTA. It can be similar. But it is something completely different. 

The Darkness II - Second, still interessted but calmed run

[ The Darkness II - Second Run - 6 hours now ]

So I continued to play quite a lot of this comic-style-horror game. And I like it.

I mostly like the story telling and the cell-shading. The textures are so cool, too.

The fighting is, well, you know the drill against AI opponents, it is always boring after the first or second encounter with a new enemy type.

There are end-bosses ! I like that. I like the dry humor of the creepy little companion you have with you.

I was stucked a few times at certain places, drove me mad, one time I had to lower the difficulty what feels like your genitals are cut off and then badly stiched back on when you raise it again.