It's called "Leading Ladies". In consideration to the whole cold-computer-games-women-war I have to smile a bit by this title, but hey.
I like female computer game heroes. OK. I admit. In 99.9% of the case when I had the choice I took a male. Yes. Sad. Somehow. But to my defence, I always had one or two female characters in my RPG parties. Btw. Why didn't were tampons part of RPG games ? (cotton tampons +4)
Ok. Let me have a look at these games.
1. Lilly Looking Through
2. Valdis Story: Abyssal City
3. Ms. Splosion Man
4.The Yawhg
5. Long Live The Queen
6. The Cat Lady
7.Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
And of course as always at the end : the conclusion.
Press "Read more" for the Runs...
1. Lilly Looking Through
This is like a low-tech Disney film, combined with point and click elements. The music is perfect, the drawings amazing. The animations of the female protagonist very good. Only thing is, I did not get any story and it is ... stupid ? It even has a help function where it shows you on which item you have to click next. Well. Story. Her brother is captured by a scarf that suddenly seems to have become alive. And Lilly's job seem to rescue him.
Well I certainly will have a look at that "game" when I am in a mellow, slow mood. Right now : NEXT !
2.Valdis Story: Abyssal City
This is a classical jump'n'run fighting platformer.
As I learned just now this style seems to be called "Metroidvania". Comic-Style Graphics with neat not-Japanese anime (paradox, but what the f*ck is that style actually called) mid-late amiga games graphic. ME LIKEZ.
This is definitely western anime.
Either you are a natural or you have to practice to get the timing of the jumps etc right in this game. And after a few very easy areas the first boss is SO FREAKING HARDCORE.
Well. AND you play a
I will play it for sure again and it comes on my old laptop. That is where I put all my under 500mb and not so resource needing games so that I can play them outside. Well. Summer is over. Thats sad.
This game actually keeps me fascinated. I played three bosses now, and I am getting better and better in it. I am not sure why, but it is triggering my ambition.
3. Ms. Splosion Man
OMG. Who gave those people those drugs ? Image you give a chewing gum artificial intelligence and then take a hammer and crush the brain afterwards. Then you end up with this game.
Technical it is absolutely standard, the whole design is perfectly done, graphics, physics, animations, sounds. But it is like a bad trip through a mixture of several ideas, mixed with a real aggressive bad humor.
![]() | |
That's actually in the intro |
Well. It is a gone-wrong Jump'n'Run. Nothing special. Old ideas. They tried to boost it with their madness. Can work. Here in my humble opinion it did not work. But that is taste. Try it. Maybe you like it.
4.The Yawhg
What is a Yawgh ? I have no clue. You select two characters, accompanied by well-done guitar-music, in a childish drawn interface. Then you select a location in a also childish-drawn-city painting and there you answer a series of multiple choice questions, which give you some points like charm or wealth. You have two turns, one with each character. Then a week is over.
After six weeks the Yawhg comes was somewhere written. Not for me, after three weeks I was bored out of my mind. The music is nice, the stories, mostly short fairy tale adaptations ending with a bit funny meant humor. If you like that sort of thing, and you like the graphics, it might be your thing.
5. Long Live The Queen
Ok. Now I feel...misused. This game starts with a manga layout, a manga girl AND BRITISH ROYAL MUSIC. YES SAVE THE QUEEN. On Piano.
I normaly, as you might have notice, try not to use upper case. But this is RID...ridicolous.
So paradox, I actually love it. I can not play it. But I love it.
You are this girl who seems to be a canidate to become queen. Which country ? No clue. Britain ? Can't be.
Your daily routine is to choose classes. You have to watch your moods though. Seriously. You start "Depressed". And this "penalty" keeps you from learning your class stuff correctly. After some
lame animation you choose what you do after school, I choose "Playing with teddy bears", what gave me some raises in some absurd points.
After waiting again, some people came and in best manga tradition some lame royal story unfold.
Here I quit. And cause I could not bare the repititative single piano loop.
Thank you. I am impressed what you can actually sell to people. Again and again.
6. The Cat Lady
This game does not start. And in the seperate setup you can not set a resolution higher than 800 something. Thank you.
7.Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
This is some pixelart style RPG. I played the first few minutes, where a complicated tutorial explains
too much at once. I did not catch the story.
I like the graphics. Sadly it seems that you only can play low resultion, and even in fullscreen you
have half of the screen black.
The music is all right also. But it did not raise any ambition, to be honest.
The only game I will remember and keep playing of this Bundle is Valdis Story: Abyssal City.
Ms. Splosion Man stays in my collection as a way "how not to do it". Also for absurdity
Long Live The Queen. I wish Defenders Quest would have been a bit better presented,
this game seemed to have potential.
All in all worth the money, if you take the "learning" effect into account.
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