Hidiho !
Lets do some Arma3 Mission Editing ! (we <= me !)
I played GTA5 a bit over the last weeks to finally get this monstrosity under the hood. I am quite disappointed by its story and its obvious single reason to condition the player for the GTA5 online money grap experience.
BUT I finally am good in computer helicopter flying. For some reason I now like the Arma3 helicopter fly model. So now I am playing around and do a flying training course for civilian helicopters on Stratis and then Malden.
Level: Beginner
So, first I wanted areas where players can fly over like cities or military areas, at least not without an official reason.
My arma scripting is still on arma2 level and still quite rusty. So, assuming yours is too, I do this bit by bit. Remember, this is mainly for me to log the process here :D
1. The voice
First, you want to have a radio message like "Ey, don't fly here or we shoot" or something.
Eventually I used : "Unidentified aircraft. You are entering a restricted air zone. Turn around or be fired upon."
So where to get a voice ? I am not a native english speaker, and I like temporary voice acting more than some half solid work, so I used naturalreaders.com but any text-to-speech should do.
I used Audacity to convert it into the .ogg Soundfile format.
To make the sound available ingame, you have to edit the description.ext in the scenario folder, create the file if it does not exist.
Then this works for me :
class CfgSounds
sounds[] = {};
class RestrictedAirzone {
name = "RestrictedAirzone";
sound[] = {"\sound\arma_voice_syn_restrictedAirspace.ogg", db+5, 1.0};
titles[] = {1,"Unindentified aircraft. You are entering a restricted air zone. Turn around or be fired upon."};
2. Play it
Then you put a trigger according to your needs and for the sake of convenience I most of the time put player say2D "RestrictedAirzone"; in the activation field of the trigger to start the sound playing and the title showing up.
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